Apr 9, 2020

2021 Mustang Mach-E

If you are searching for electric cars for sale that are no less than extraordinary, you want a fantastic dealership. Interstate Ford keeps an inventory of the most incredible Ford models available. From sedans and family SUVs to even custom lift trucks, Interstate Ford has it all as your Ford dealership Dacono! We stay up to date with the newest models and are excited to introduce you to another new one that will be available soon. The 2021 Mustang Mach-E is going to be released later this year, and we want to help you understand everything that it offers you as a driver and owner!


Of course, the main detail that everyone is the most thrilled about is that this is the start of Ford’s all-electric automobiles. It is the beginning of a new future, one of exhilaration. The excitement is coming with the Electric Mustang Mach-E. Having an electric vehicle is unique for the Ford brand, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to share the features with you. It was built from the passion of its heritage; the Mustang Mach-E is a whole new glance at freedom. With zero emissions, you can get 0-60 thrills from this vehicle. You will even be able to piece together plans for your own Mach-E model if you have a vision in mind for your personal car.


Electric Cars for Sale

Unlike most electric cars for sale, the Mach-E has full capability, like any other SUV model. One of the ways to prove its ability is the All-Wheel-Drive mode. This drivetrain delivers exceptional handling so that you, as a driver, experience the best ride possible. Front and rear motors can distribute an even amount of power to all the wheels individually. When you have that distribution, you have more control over terrible road conditions. An added feature that will make driving this vehicle even simpler is Driving Ease with Next Generation SYNC. This updated system is intelligent and voice-activated that provides an experience designed around what you need. When Ford created the Mach-E trim levels, they had each of our customers in mind, and this is a feature that proves it. It is as intuitive as a smartphone, and the user-friendly design of this system makes it easy to personalize. One more detail we want to highlight is cloud-connected navigation. You can use the new premium 15.5-inch touchscreen to turn on the navigation and make calls from your phone. It can even help you locate where to charge next.


The latching system, E-Latch, is another part of the Mustang Mach-E for sale that customers are looking forward to. The streamlined appearance of this handle can be deceiving until you approach it. Once the Mach-E recognizes you, it will present a button that is illuminated. One simple touch will simply open the door for you to climb in. It knows when you leave as well, and will lock itself. This means you won’t have to fumble through your purse or pockets for a key to unlock and lock your car. There is an option now to use your phone to remotely start your car, open the liftgate, and find where you parked your car.